SAVE_3MF_MODEL [Public Dialog]

Package: (Nick name(s): :3dp.x)

Save a selection of parts and assemblies as 3mf data file.

Load STL Dialog

  1. File type selection. Here: 3mf data format is selected.
  2. Open the 3mf save options dialog.
  3. The linear precision of the exported data: The maximum allowed distance of the exported mesh to the CAD model geometry.
  4. The angular precision of the exported data: The maximum allowed angular deviation of the mesh normals with respect to the CAD model geometry normals.


Diagram 1.


  • :3MF_FILENAME - Relative or absolute path to the 3mf file .
  • :OBJECTS - Selection of parts and assemblies to export in 3mf format.
  • :DISTANCE - Linear precision . Maximum allowed distance of the mesh to the 3d model geometry.
  • :ANGLE - Angular precision . Maximum allowed deviation of facet normals with the model geometry normals.