Customizing Cable Modeler

Cable Modeler Files

Cable Modeler has the following editable files:


In earlier versions this file would be modified to set the path for the Cable Modeler directory. Since Revision 9.0 it is no longer required for this file to be edited.


Most customizing will be done by making changes to this file. Here user interface settings can be changed, new cables, connectors and bends defined, initial settings and design rules set.


This file defines the function to write the BND file format. If that format needs to be changed it can be done by editing this file.

Modifying the rca_customize file

The rca_customize file is currently composed of 7 sections.

Each of these sections can be modified to customize Cable Advisor. This file is actually a set of LISP commands, proper syntax must be used or errors will occur. It is recommended that a copy of the file is made before making any changes. When reading this document it may be helpful to have a printout of the rca_customize file available to refer to.


(setq *rca-model-tip-dist* NIL)

This section is not actually in the rca_customize file however this global variable does have a default value of T. The system adjusts the length of the visual model by the connector tip distance. Certain connectors may allow the user to see the cable protruding through the connector. This setting allows the system to shorten or lengthen the cable by the tip_dist setting to provide a more accurate visualization. If this visualization change is not wanted the above line can be added into the rca_customize file to override the default setting.


This section configures the Cable Advisor menu as to what optional command button buttons are displayed. The buttons are listed followed by "nil" for not visible or "t" for visible. There are 10 command buttons with optional visibility. The values shown below are the default values.  If you want to modify any of the default values, execute the function below.  Only those command buttons that you want to be different need to be specified.

(rca-set-ui-visibility :creator nil :create_date nil :part_number nil
                       :part_rev nil :write_bnd t :bnd_file t :copilot_autodir nil 
:cable_feedback nil :mtbar_mode t :check_rules nil)

max menu

Menu with all parameters set to T


Menu with all parameters set to NIL

The following register function allows an admin to reset variables when a given variable is modified.  For example, after a user enters a new part number, you can also tell the dialog that additional variables should be reset as well (shape, color, components,...)

(rca-register-reset-vals-for-vars Cable-var Reset-Vals)

Where Cable-var can be one of the following:

















When one of these variables is modified by the user, you can specify which additional cable 

variables should be reset by specifying Reset-Vals to be one or more of the following:

  :points - points will be cleared

  :comps - componenents will be cleared

  :creator - creator field set to default

  :create_date - create date reset (to today's date)

  :part_number - part number reset to default (contents name or "")

  :part_rev - part rev set to default (1)

  :bend_rad - first bend radius associated with active cable shape

  :conn1 - reset to default "0000-0000"

  :conn2  - reset to default "0000-0000"

  :cable_col - reset to default (*rca-cable-color*)

  :conn1_col - reset to default (*rca-conn1-color*)

  :conn2_col - reset to default (*rca-conn2-color*)

  :conn1_rot - reset to default (0)

  :conn2_rot - reset to default (0)

  :shape_rot - reset to default (0)

  :build_method - reset to default (*rca-default-build-method*)

  :multi_bend - reset to default (nil)

  :length_mode - reset to default



This section describes how to define Copilot settings which will override the default behavior of the CoPilot for Cable Advisor.  Using the below function it is possible to define the directions (first, second or both) along which the copilot will point along.

(rca-define-copilot-dirs :first-dir 1,0,0 :second-dir 0,1,0)

First-dir is a direction along which the first arrow of the copilot will point along (must be a global direction or nil)
Second-dir is a direction along which the second arrow of the copilot will point along (must be a global direction or nil)
Both, either or neither values have to be set.  If either value is nil, then the default behaviors will be used for that direction. The default directions are along the 2 sections of the cable on either side of the selected point and the third direction is normal to the plane formed by the 2 cable sections.


This section contains the functions to parametrically create a cross section profile of the cable shape. All parameters and their values needed to define the cable shape and size will be defined in the REGISTER CABLES section. The functions in this section will use those parameters. The functions should contain checks to ensure that a valid machining profile is created. Each cable type in the REGISTER CABLES will reference a function defined in this section.
Note that this profile is created symmetrically about the 0,0 point of a workplane. This is recommended but not mandatory, the profile can be built wherever one prefers but there cannot be a 2d vertex at the 0,0 point.


(defun rectangular_shape (plist
  ; function needs to return :ok if the creation of the profile was successful  
  ; otherwise :error "error msg".  
  (let ((width  (getf plist :width))        
        (height (getf plist :height))
  (if (and width height)      
        (rectangle (make-gpnt2d :x (/ width -2) :y (/ height -2))                   
                   (make-gpnt2d :x (/ width  2) :y (/ height  2)))       
        (values :ok))      
      (values :error ":width and :height needs a value")    
  ); end if  
  );end let


(rca-register-cable name  
  :function function that creates the shape profile
  :bitmap  bitmap filename  (optional)

  :allow-spline t_or_nil

  :display-name "string"
  :columns list of column keywords 
  :columnNames list of column names 
  :displaycolumns list of column keywords to determine what columns are displayed  
  :types list of data types for each column  
  :units list of units for each column  
  :contents list of data lists

This section defines each cable shape that Cable Advisor can create. Shapes other than round requires the Advanced Module. Each cable shape is registered using the rca-register-cable command. There will be a seperate entry for each cable shape, individual sizes for the shape are defined inside this command.


The name of the function defined in the PROFILE FUNCTIONS section that will create the cross sectional profile of the cable.


The name of the bitmap file that shows the shape of the cable. This entry is optional. If defined this picture will be displayed on the Cable Shapes and Sizes menu. See image below.


Determines if this cable shape wil allow spline segments to be defined for the path.  Default value is t (allow cable to contain spline segments).  To limit cable paths to Poly Line path segments, set this value to nil.


Display name of cable (which is displayed in the points table).  Display name is shown to the user, while the "name" parameter is what is used to uniquely identify this cable.  In effect, display-name is the localized string of the name parameter.


A LISP list of columns for a logical table containing the parameters required to build the profile. Each parameter must have a column. A column should also be defined for the minimum straight distance between bends for the cable. This column entry must be :min_str_dist. Other column definitions can have any name but must be preceded with a colon : character.

Example 1, a round cable, the only parameter required is the diameter.

:columns '(:diameter :min_str_dist)

Example 2, a rectangular cable, required parameters are width and height

:columns '(:width :height :min_str_dist)

display columns

A LISP list of a subset of the columns defined in the :columns list. (See above) The columns in the :displaycolumns definition will be displayed on the Cable Shapes and Sizes menu. See image below.

:displaycolumns '(:width :height)


The titles that will appear on the Cable Shapes and Sizes menu above the display columns. All columns can have a name, the name will be shown on the menu only if the column is listed in the :displaycolumns entry. See image below. The entries in this list match the order as the entries in the :columns list.

:columnNames '("Cable Width" "Cable Height" "Min. Str. Dist")

The example below is from the square cable entry to give an example of multiple entries in the :displaycolumns entry.

picture of cable menu


A LISP list of the data types that are in each column. The entries in this list match the order as the entries in the :columns list. For more information on these data types see the HELP files on the SolidDesigner Integration Kit. See the command sd-create-logical-table.

:types '(:length :length :length)


A LISP list of the units for each column. Units are typically :none except for columns of type length, angle or mass. These columns are typically for type length and units are usually :mm for millimeters or :inch for inches. The entries in this list match the order as the entries in the :columns list. For more information on units see the HELP files on the SolidDesigner Integration Kit. See the command sd-create-logical-table.

:units '(:mm :mm :mm)


This is the actual data stored in the table. It is a LISP list of lists. Each individual list is a row of data, one entry for each column. There will be one row for each unique cable size.

  :contents       '((2.1 2.1 0.0)
                    (3.5 3.5 0.0))


(rca-register-cable "Rigid-Cable-square"  
  :function 'rectangular_shape  
  :bitmap "square.bmp"  
  :columns        '(:width :height :min_str_dist
  :displaycolumns '(:width :height)  
  :columnNames    '("Cable Width" "Cable Height" "Min. Str. Dist")  
  :types          '(:length :length :length)  
  :units          '(:mm :mm :mm)  
  :contents       '((2.1 2.1 0.0)                    
                    (3.5 3.5 0.0))


When a user has selected a cable shape and size these values are passed to the function in the form of a property list. 
(:WIDTH 2.100 :HEIGHT 2.100 :MIN_STR_DIST 0.0) 
These are the values that the function uses to build the profile.


(rca-register-connectors name  
  :title title
  :columns list of column keywords 
  :columnNames list of column names 
  :displaycolumns list of column keywords to determine what columns are displayed  
  :applycolumns list of column keywords  
  :types list of data types for each column  
  :units list of units for each column  
  :filter list of keyword lists  
  :contents list of data lists

This section defines the different connectors that Cable Advisor can place on the end of a cable. Note that this command is followed by a string. This is the same string used by one of the rca-register-cable entries. This creates a link between these connectors and that cable shape. Only connectors defined in this entry can be selected for use on the matching cable shape. All entries are the same as rca-register-cable except for title, applycolumns and filter.


The title that will appear at the top of the connector display table.

:title "Cable Connectors"


A LISP list of columns that are passed to a waiting function when a selection is made. Currently only :part_num is used. This value is passed to a function to load the connector from a file. The value in this column is the same as the connector filename minus the file suffix. Your connector part contents file must be in the "lib" subdirectory. A connector with the filename 1234-5678.sdpc would be entered in the :part_num column as "1234-5678"

:applycolumns '(:part_num)


A LISP list of keywords, the first will be the type of check to perform, typically :equal. The second will be the column of the connector table to use in the check. The third will be the column from the matching rca-register-cable section that you wish to use in the check. If the check returns true the table row will be displayed, if it returns false the row will not be displayed.

:filter '((:equal :cable_dia :diameter))

If you need to make comparisons on more than one column you may add more comparisons to :filter as below.

:filter '((:equal :connector-column1 :cable-column1)
          (:equal :connector-column2 :cable-column2))  


:cable_dia - The diameter of cable that this connector will work with
:strip_len - The length of insulation that would be stripped from the wire
:min_str - The minimum straight distance required of the cable to use this connector
:tip_dist, :ref_plane_offset, :cable_offset, :conn_axis - See the Connector Library section 


(rca-register-connectors "Rigid-Cable-Diameters"  
  :title "Cable Connectors"  
  :columns '(:con_num :part_num :part_desc :cable_dia :pref :strip_len :tip_dist :min_str :ref_plane_offset
  :columnNames '("Connector" "Part #" "Description" "Cable Dia" "Preferred" "Strip Len" "Tip Dist" "Min Straight"                      "Ref. Plane Offset")  
  :displaycolumns '(:con_num :part_num :part_desc :pref
  :applycolumns '(:part_num
  :types '(:number  :string   :string    :length    :string :length :length :length :length)  
  :units '(nil      nil       nil        :inch      nil     :inch   :inch   :inch   :inch)  
  :filter '((:equal :cable_dia :diameter))  
  :contents '((1  "1250-2911"   "SMB_F_RA"       .086 "Y" .150 .000 .400 0.0)      
              (2  "1250-0651"   "SMC_F_90DEG"    .086 "N" .197 -.020 .500 0.0)
              (45 "1250-1455"   "TYPE_N_FEM_BLK" .141 "Y" .126 .370 .512 0.0))

Two additional column identifiers, :cable_offset and :conn_axis, are used in the general case to describe more complex situations where the cable direction is different than the connector direction (i.e. a right angle connector). Refer to the Connector Library section below for more details.   If not specified, the default :cable_offset is 0,0,0, (the cable starts at the reference plane) and the default :conn_axis is 0,0,1 (the cable enters the connector in the same direction as the connector). In the above example, to correctly define the SMC_F_90DEG connector, the :cable_offset and :conn_axis need to be specified to get the correct behavior.  The more correct example would then be:

(rca-register-connectors "Rigid-Cable-Diameters"  
  :title "Cable Connectors"  
  :columns '(:con_num :part_num :part_desc :cable_dia :pref :strip_len :tip_dist :min_str 
:ref_plane_offset :cable_offset :conn_dir) 
  :columnNames '("Connector" "Part #" "Description" "Cable Dia" "Preferred" "Strip Len" 
"Tip Dist" "Min Straight" "Ref. Plane Offset" "Cable Offset" "Conn Axis") 
  :displaycolumns '(:con_num :part_num :part_desc :pref
  :applycolumns '(:part_num
  :types '(:number  :string   :string    :length    :string :length :length :length :length :3d-crd nil)  
  :units '(nil      nil       nil        :inch      nil     :inch   :inch   :inch   :inch :inch nil)  
  :filter '((:equal :cable_dia :diameter))  
  :contents '((1  "1250-2911"   "SMB_F_RA"       .086 "Y" .150 .000 .400 0.0)      
              (2  "1250-0651"   "SMC_F_90DEG"    .086 "N" .197 -.020 .500 0.0 .453,0,0 1,0,0)
              (45 "1250-1455"   "TYPE_N_FEM_BLK" .141 "Y" .126 .370 .512 0.0))
NOTE:  It is only necessary to specify the :cable_offset, :conn_dir for those connectors requiring
this data. It can be specified for all connectors, but if not specified will default to 0,0,0 and
0,0,1 respectively.
NOTE: This specific table support the unit type :3d-crd for the :cable_offset column.
This will correctly convert units for these values.


(rca-register-components name
  :dir directory directory where components can be found (default=”lib/components”) 
  :title title
  :columns list of column keywords 
  :columnNames list of column names 
  :displaycolumns list of column keywords to determine what columns are displayed  
  :applycolumns list of column keywords  
  :types list of data types for each column  
  :units list of units for each column  
  :filter list of keyword lists  
  :contents list of data lists

This section defines the different components that Cable Advisor can place at any location within the cable. Note that this command is followed by a string. This is the same string used by one of the rca-register-cable entries. This creates a link between these components and that cable shape. Only components defined in this entry can be selected for use on the matching cable shape. All entries are the same as rca-register-connector except.


The title that will appear at the top of the component display table.

:title "Cable Components"


A LISP list of columns that are passed to a waiting function when a selection is made. Currently only :part_num is used. This value is passed to a function to load the components from a file. The value in this column is the same as the component filename minus the file suffix. Your component part contents file must be in the specified library directory. A component with the filename 1234-5678.sdpc would be entered in the :part_num column as "1234-5678"

:applycolumns '(:part_num)


A LISP list of keywords, the first will be the type of check to perform, typically :equal. The second will be the column of the connector table to use in the check. The third will be the column from the matching rca-register-cable section that you wish to use in the check. If the check returns true the table row will be displayed, if it returns false the row will not be displayed.

:filter '((:equal :cable_dia :diameter))

If you need to make comparisons on more than one column you may add more comparisons to :filter as below. This could be useful when a specific component could be applicable to several cable sizes

:filter '((:not-less :max_dia :diameter) (:not-greater :min_dia :diameter))


:max_dia – maximum diameter of cable that this component can be applied
:min_dia – minimum diameter of cable that this component can be applied
:allow_on_bend – t or nil, specifies if a component is valid if placed on a bend
:min_str – specifies the minimum distance the component can be placed relative to the end of a straight segment.  The distance measured is from the component location specified.  The distance should take into account the size of the component.


(rca-register-connectors "Rigid-Cable-Diameters"  
  :title "Cable Components"  
  :columns '(:comp_num :part_num :part_desc :min_dia :max_dia :pref :allow_on_bend :min_str
  :columnNames '("Component" "Part #" "Description" "Min Dia" "Max Dia" "Preferred" “Allow on Bends” “Min. Straight”)  
  :displaycolumns '(:comp_num :part_num :part_desc :pref
  :applycolumns '(:part_num
  :types '(:number  :string   :string    :length    :length :string nil :length)  
  :units '(nil      nil       nil        :mm        :mm     nil nil :mm)  
  :filter '((:not-less :max_dia :diameter) (:not-greater :min_dia :diameter))  
  :contents '((1 "1250-2911"   "SMB_F_RA"       2.18442 2.1844  "Y" t 0)
              (5 "LABEL"       "CABLE LABEL"    1.85     3.5814 "Y" nil 12.5))


Note that this command is followed by a string. This is the same string used by one of the rca-register-cable entries. This creates a link between these bend radii and that cable shape. Only bend radii defined in this entry can be selected for use on the matching cable shape however a user can always manually enter a bend radius. All entries for this function have been covered in rca-register-cable or rca-register-connectors. The bend radius is measured along the defined cable path. The bend radius must be large enough to allow a radius greater than 0 at the inside face of the cable.

(rca-register-bends "Rigid-Cable-square" 
  :columns '(:width :height :bend_rad :pref) 
  :displaycolumns '(:bend_rad :pref) 
  :columnNames '("Width" "Heigth" "Bend Radius" "Preferred")
  :types '(:length :length :length :string) 
  :units '(:mm :mm :mm nil) 
  :title "Bend Radii" 
  :ApplyColumns '(:bend_rad) 
  :filter '((:equal :width :width) (:equal :height :height)) 
  :contents '((2.1 2.1 5.0 "Y")
              (2.1 2.1 6.0 "N")  
              (3.5 3.5 7.0 "Y"))


This section sets the default shape and parameter row (size). It then initializes Cable Advisor. In the example below the command sets the shape to the shape defined in rca-register-cable "Rigid-Cable-Diameters". It sets the size to the definition in the first logical table row, row 0. (init-cable-vars) initializes Cable Advisor.

(rca-set-default-shape "Rigid-Cable-Diameters" 0)
Other default settings can be set in this section. Some of these settings allow you to do the following:

Specify default color for connectors and cables

It is possible to specify the default color for the cables and/or connectors.  The following function can be used after loading the CA code.

(soco_cables::rca-set-default-color comp rgb-color)

Where comp is one of the following:  :cable, :conn1, :conn2 and rgb-color is a color represented by a rgb value.
Example:  Make default color of cables green, and connector1 red.
(soco_cables::rca-set-default-color :cable 0,1,0)
(soco_cables::rca-set-default-color :conn1 1,0,0)

The default colors will be used when attaching a new connector to a cable.  If a different color has been applied to the connector, the default color will not have an impact.

Design Rule Checks

The system will notify the user if design rules have been violated.  There are several different rules that are checked which can be controlled and configured by the adminstrator.

·         Minimum Distance between bends (value set in rca-register-cable)

·         Mininum straight distance to connector (value set in rca-register-connectors)

·         Maximum bend angle

The maximum bend angle can be controlled by executing the following function:
(soco_cables::rca-set-max-bend-angle angle-limit)
Where angle-limit is the maximum allowed bend angle for all cables.  The value for angle-limit is required to be specified in whatever the current angle units are.  The default value is 360 degrees.

All design rules are checked any time a new point is added or removed from the cable.  When cable points are being edited the design rule checks are not evaluated until the new values are applied.  In addition, design rule checks are performed when writing a cable to a BND file to be post-processed.  At this time a summary page is generated describing any violations and the location of where those violations occurred.

For all design rules, the user has the option of accepting the design rule and respecifying the point or they can ignore the feedback and continue with the construction of the table.

If it is desired to completely turn off all design rule checking, execute the following:
(soco_cables::rca-set-check-design-rules t_or_nil)

To query the current setting for checking design rules, execute the function:

CableAdvisor has the optional ability to enforce that users only enter data that is defined within the cable and connector libraries.  The default behaviour is to allow a user to enter any value for cable and connector data.  If desired, CA can be configured to only accept data that is defined within the design tables.  (For example, if the cabledat.lsp file defines only 3 cable diameters, the user will be required to select one of those three and cannot enter a random value).  If this behaviour is desired, execute the following:
(setq soco_cables::*rca-only-use-table-values* t)

Set default build_method.

(soco_cables::rca-set-default-build-method method)

where method is either :part or :assy. If set to :part then entire cable is one part. If set to :assy the model will be be an assembly with 3 parts, cable, start connector and end connector. The assembly method may be desirable for sites using data management systems.

Change default behaviour of CA feedback calculations

(setq soco_cables::*rca-always-use-cabledata* t/nil)

default = t. A true value specifies that all cable data is read from the cable during modification. A nil value will allow CA to use the previous cable data during modification if the same cable is selected. This mode is useful to allow users to interrupt the creation/modification of a cable without losing their data they have specified. The side effect is that if you move a cable the feedback may show up at the previous location.

Change default color of cables/connectors

(soco_cables::rca-set-default-color comp rgb-color)

where comp = :cable, :conn1, or :conn2.  rgb-color is any color represented by an rgb triplet (i.e. white = 1,1,1) Allows you to set the default colors for new cables and connectors. Different colors make it easier to determine visually the starting end and the finishing end of the cable.

Setting feedback color

(setq soco_cables::*rca-feedback-color*  color)

where color is an rgb value.

Turning catch-able feedback on/off

(setq soco_cables::*rca-show-wire-feedback* t/nil)

t = wire-feedback on (default), nil = off.

With this option set to t thesystem creates a wire part for path visualization. There is a small performance decrease however if this value is set to nil the user will not be able to select the cable path for inserting points. If performance becomes an issue one can set this value to nil. This command can be executed from the command line.

Showing ends of cable in same color as connectors

(setq soco_cables::*rca-color-cable-ends* t/nil)

t = color same as connector(default), nil = off

If cable does not yet have connectors this will allow visualization of the start section and end section of the cable.

Specify which length mode to display by default

(setq soco_cables::*rca-default-len-mode* :electrical-length) Default

(setq soco_cables::*rca-default-len-mode* :physical-length)

Specifying default cable creator name

(rca-set-default-creator creator-name)

creator-name is a text string or a LISP function that returns a text string. This string is information that is attached to the cable. This string can also be set or changed from the menu if the :creator parameter is set to T. See USER INTERFACE SETTINGS


(rca::rca-set-default-creator (oli:sd-inq-username))

Connector Library

The connectors for Cable Modeler are One Space Designer model content files or instance files. 

·         Contents Files - For the connectors to be positioned correctly on the cable they must be modeled at the correct location and orientation in X,Y,Z space. The default cable shapes that are supplied with One Space Designer are centered about the 2d X,Y origin. The connnectors are centered about the 3d X,Y,Z origin in the XY plane. When modeling connectors the direction of the cable from the last bend to the tip is +Z and the connector should be modeled accordingly.

·         Instance Files - For instance files to be positione correctly, there are two choices.  They can be constructed just like contents file connectors as described above (relative to global coordinate system).  Alternatively, you can model the part in any desired position and orientation and then construct a coordinate system to represent the desired reference plane as described below where the origin of the coordinate system is placed at your reference plane origin, the w-axis of the coordinate system is aligned with the z+ direction shown below, and lastly the u-axis of the coordinate system is oriented for the rotation of the connector is as desired.

Reference Plane

The reference is considered to be the plane of electrical contact between a connector and it's mate. This is also the plane where the cable's beginning or end point should be located. Typically the mating connectors would already be modeled when the cable design begins. The cable designer would pick a starting point on the mating connector for connector 1, route the cable by picking various points and then pick the ending point on the mating connector for connector 2.

Tip Distance

The distance from the reference plane to the plane where the end of the cable would be in the connector.  A positive tip distance value indicates that the cable is terminated before the reference plane.  A negative value indicates tha the cable extends beyond the reference plane.  This value is used to accurately measure the physical length of the cable whereas the electrical length of the cable is determined by measuring the cable length from the cables start point reference plane to end point reference plane.

{connector definition}

Right Angle Connectors

For right angle connectors (or any connector type), additional information is required to uniquely define how the cable enters the connector.  The local orign (0,0,0) is defined as the location of the reference plane for the connector.  The parameter cable_offset defines the offset vector from the local origin to where the connector attaches to the mating connector's reference plane.  By default, the cable_offset is 0,0,0 (i.e.  at the reference plane).  The parameter :conn_axis defines the direction the connector attaches to the mating connector.  By default, the conn_axis is 0,0,1 (i.e. along the same axis to which the cable is attached).  The tip distance is the offset from the cable_orig along the cable_dir to where the cable terminates within the connector.  A positive value indicates the cable is terminated before the reference plane.  A positive value indicates that cable extends beyond the reference plane.

right angle connector

Reference Plane Offset Distance

There are certain cases where the beginning and ending points picked by the cable designer are not on the electrical reference plane. An example could be a panel of an electrical box. The actual reference plane would be on the other side of the panel. In order to provide the correct electrical length value the :ref_plane_offset distance can be defined in the Register Connector section .


Components Library


The components for Cable Modeler follow the same basic rules as connectors.  They can be either contents or intance level files.  If a coordinate system exists, that will be used to locate and orient the components on the cable path.  If no coordinate system exists, then they must be modeled/positioned about the global coordinate system to be loaded properly.

When modeling components the direction of the cable from the previous point to the next points is +Z and the connector should be modeled accordingly.

Additional Global Settings

The following table lists additional global settings available that can be placed in the rca_customize file to control the behavior of Rigid Cable Advisor.


Default value




Default color for connector1(integer color value)



Default color for connector2(integer color value)



Default color for cable (integer color value)



Default color for components (integer color value)



Determine if labels for components should be shown



Relative size of label compared to total length of cable



Use previous points if creating a new cable



Should point offset values be reset (i.e. good for one point)



Only display cable path when adding/editing points



Display violated rules to display window



Allow editing of point values directly in table (no multi-selection)



Determines current part after editing cable (if nil, cable becomes current part)