Package: (Nick name(s): :3dp.x)

Read manufacturing data (STL or 3MF) from files and optionally reconstruct surfaces.

(read-manufacturing-data mf-file  :type                   {keyword}
                                 [:facecount-limit        {number}]
                                 [:surface-reconstruction {keyword|keyword list}]
                                 [:resolution             {number}]
                                 [:progress               {PROGRESS}])

Generates a model specification consisting of nested property lists.


mf-file {string}
Path to file containing manufacturing data.
type {keyword}
Type of data to import. Currently supported are :STL and :3MF.
:resolution {number [1.0e-3]}
Surface recognition precision. Used for geometric comparisons in surface fitting.
:facecount-limit {number [150000]}
Optional maximum number of faces in the imported model. If that limit is exceeded, plane recognition is enforced to reduce the number of faces. Default is 150,000.
:surface-reconstruction {keyword|keyword list [NIL] }

Optional one or more surface types to reconstruct. Currently supported surface types are:

:progress {PROGRESS [NIL]}

Optional instance of a progress object. Used to update a progress indicator in the UI. if NIL (default) no progress is displayed.


Model specification (list of property lists) created from manufacturing data. The specification of the root assembly of the model hierarchy is the first element in the returned list. Its id is: "Root". The format of the elemtents of the specification list is described below:

  :TM     <transformation  {MATRIX-3D}>
  :TARGET <hash-key        {integer}>

Parts (Mesh objects)

  :ID                     <hash-key    {integer}>
  :NAME                   <part-name   {string}>
  :BODY                   <body-handle {BODY}>
  :RESOLUTION             <res                       {number}>
  :FACET-COUNT            <number-of-facets          {number}>
  :FACE-COUNT             <number-of-facets          {number}>
  :REPAIRED-FACET-COUNT   <number-of-degenerate-faces-repaired {number}>
  :DEGENERATE-FACET-COUNT <number-of-degenerate-facets_dropped {number}>
  :SURFACE-RECONSTRUCTION <surface-types {keyword list}>
 [:COLOR                  <part contents color        {integer}>]
 [:TRANSPARENCY           <part contents transparency {double }>]

Note The :COLOR and :TRANSPACENCY properties are available only for 3mf data import.

Assemblies (Components objects)

  :ID         <hash-key       {integer}>
  :NAME       <component-name {string}>
  :COMPONENTS <child-links    {plist list}>

Top Level Assembly

  :ID         -1
  :NAME       <filename                 {string}>
  :COMPONENTS <top-level-instances      {plist list}>
 [:META-DATA  ( (:NAME {string}) :VALUE {string}) ...)]

Note the :META-DATA property is currently available for 3mf-files only.