Primary Lisp package of the ADGservice Modeling extension module.

The package :CADM-AUTO-DOC-GEN (nicknamed :ADG) contains tools to support Automated Document Generator infrastructure.

Programming Notes

This package is not intended to be included in the `:use' specification of other packages due to a high probability of name conflicts. To reference a facility provided by this package, code in another package must use an explicit package prefix, e.g.


Package Contents


Name Summary
ADG_SETTINGS Edit customizable settings for the ADGService extension module.

Variables / Parameters / Constants

Name Summary
*adg-administrator* Recipient(s) for ADG notification emails
*adg-debug-mode* T To display all commands that are executed in the log file with their parameters.
*adg-download-prefix* The url prefix to use for ADG result downloads {string}.
*adg-execution-mode* Current mode of adg execution.
*adg-hp2xx* Path to the external hp2xx executable.
*adg-input-dir* The fully qualified path to the 'input directory' where all ADG input files must be placed for processing.
*adg-jobstat-prefix* The url prefix to use for ADG job status requests {string}.
*adg-keep-session* T to keep the current session after a job is completed.
*adg-lib-dir* Fully qualified path to the 'lib' directory under which all the ltabs and templates are stored.
*adg-max-uptime* Maximum Modeling uptime { fixnum} in minutes.
*adg-output-dir* The fully qualified path to the 'output directory' where ADG-generated output files will be placed for pickup or storing.
*adg-pdm-active* T to use Product Data Management (ModelManager); NIL to use basic translator.
*adg-start-time-utc* Start time of the Modeling process in seconds since epoch {number}.
*adg-webroot* The root url of the ADG webservice {string}.
*adg-work-dir* The fully qualified path to the working directory where the ADG produces any temporary or intermediate files.
*user-interface-integration* Modeling user interface integration level {keyword} for this extension module.
+module-id+ The extension module ID.

(Generic) Functions / Macros / Accessors

Name Summary
about-module Show the ADGService about information in the Modeling output textbox.
activate-module Activate this module.
deactivate-module Deactivate this module.
display-module-help Display a module help page in the browser.
get-available-commands Get a list of commands availalable for this module
get-module-manifest Get the extension module manifest.
load-module-customization Load or re-load the module customizations.
module-active-p Predicate to termine if this extension module is active.