Extension Module Customization Overview

Function and behavior of the ADGService extension module can be customized in following ways:

Extension Module Startup Configuration

The module startup configuration (typically defined by the CAD admin) can be customized by editing the adg_customize.lsp file. The factory default adg_customize.lsp file can be found in the root directory where the module was unpacked (see Extension Module Installation and Startup.

This extension module fully supports the Modeling multi-level customization architecture. The adg_customize.lsp file can be placed into one or more of the following directories:

Factory Module installation directory
Corporate as specified in %SDCORPCUSTOMIZEDIR%
Site as specified in %SDSITECUSTOMIZEDIR%
User %APPDATA%/PTC/Creo Elements Direct Modeling /


Windows environment variables typically defined by the CAD adminstrator.
Windows system variable pointing to the user's application data directory
Modeling Version

Note: Customization files are loaded in table order. The user customization takes precedence over all other customizations.

Customization Options

The module's startup configuration can be customized by editing the adg_customize.lsp file:

See also the ADG Installation and Configuration Guide

Re-loading Customizations after Change

Type following command into the Modeling command line and press Enter:


Interactive Configuration

ADG Service Configuration

Some settings can be persistently changed by the user in a Modeling session via the settings dialog: cadm-auto-doc-gen:ADG_SETTINGS. Changes made in this dialog override the settings loaded from adg_customize.lsp.

The ADG is configured by editing the ADGService.exe.config file located in the adg directory. This file is in XML format and contains the user configurable properties in the <appSettings> section. Note: Configuration must be performed before the service is started!

The default (unconfigured) section looks similar to:

    <!-- Fully qualified Path to a Modeling executable (SolidDesigner.exe) to use as ADG worker. -->
    <add key="ADG_WORKER_LOCATION" value="D:/osdm/osdm-19x/Modeling/amd64/SolidDesigner.exe" />
    <!-- When Modeling does not send any request before this timeout occurs, it is restarted. -->
    <!-- Time is in minutes -->
    <add key="ADG_WORKER_TIMEOUT" value="5" />
    <!-- Time to wait until the ADG worker (Modeling) has connected -->
    <!-- Time is in minutes -->
    <add key="ADG_START_TIMEOUT" value="2" />
    <!-- Number of concurrent worker (Modeling) processes -->
    <add key="ADG_MAX_WORKER_COUNT" value="1" />
    <!-- License server host -->
    <add key="ADG_MELS_HOST" value="win7x64-vm-lab" />
    <!-- Set to 'T' to use Product Data Management (ModelManager) -->
    <!-- Set to 'NIL' to use basic translator -->
    <add key="ADG_PDM_ACTIVE" value="NIL" />
    <!-- relative path to ADG startup file ()-->
    <add key="ADG_STARTUP_FILENAME" value="startup" />
    <!-- Fully qualified path to a ADG working directory -->
    <!-- When emtpy the directory 'work_dir' in the ADG service installation directory is used -->
    <add key="ADG_WORK_DIR" value="" />
    <!-- Fully qualified path to the ADG input directory -->
    <!-- When emtpy the directory 'input_dir' in the ADG service installation directory is used -->
    <add key="ADG_INPUT_DIR" value="" />
    <!-- Fully qualified path to the ADG output directory -->
    <!-- When emtpy the directory 'output_dir' in the ADG service installation directory is used -->
    <add key="ADG_OUTPUT_DIR" value="" />
    <!-- Maximum time a worker may run before it is restarted  -->
    <!-- Time is in minutes -->
    <add key="ADG_MAX_UPTIME" value="1440" />
    <!-- Hostname ot IPV4 Address of the SMTP Server -->
    <add key="ADG_SMTP_HOST" value="localhost"/>
    <!-- SMPT Port -->
    <add key="ADG_SMTP_PORT" value="25"/>
    <!-- ADG service sender email address -->
    <!-- When ADG sends out emails this address is used. -->
    <!-- Preferrably an existing address so that recipients can reply to it. -->
    <add key="ADG_SERVICE_MAIL_FROM" value="adg@yourcompany.com"/>
    <!-- One or more comma separated email addresses of ADG Administrators. -->
    <!-- Status and error emails will be sent to these email addresses. -->
    <add key="ADG_ADMINISTRATOR" value=""/>
    <!-- `CONTINUOUS` Keep all worker processes running continously.       -->
    <!--   New jobs are picked up from `ADG_INPUT_DIR` by idle workers.    -->
    <!-- `ON-DEMAND` Start a single, dedicated worker process for each job -->
    <!--   appearing in `ADG_INPUT_DIR`.                                   -->
    <add key="ADG_MODE" value="CONTINUOUS"/>